Formal HOA Business
- 2017-18 audited financial statements were reviewed
- AGM package can be viewed here
- Congratulations and welcome to the new resident directors
- Ross Cunningham
- Nishi Malhotra
- Tanzeela Naji
- Eva Tran
- Kristie Tran
- Jeremy Ng
- Johnny Thang
- Cremers and Elliot Chartered Accountants was appointed as auditor for the 2018-19 fiscal year
HOA Update
- Construction on HOA facility and park expected to commence in the summer (2019), with the HOA opening late 2020 (timelines subject to change)
- Residents will be engaged to provide feedback on programming, events, and activities they’d like to see in the HOA
- Renderings are linked below (renderings and plans subject to change)
HOA Event Update
April – Easter Craft for the Kids at The Hub
Date: April 20, 2019, from 1-4 pm.
May – Mother’s Day Floral Arranging
Date to be determined
June – Neighbour Day BBQ
Date to be determined
- Follow the Hub on Facebook and Instagram for event date confirmation and more!
- Check for the most up-to-date HOA information
Livingston Development Update
- Centre Street will remain closed indefinitely
- 144th and North of it will be closed. Working with City on finalizing the future Centre Street local road, street parking and transit (bus and LRT) development
- Centre Street will not physically be connected to 144th for driving traffic – only LRT
- 1st Street exit from Stoney Trail is in progress
- The bridge deck will have 2 lanes going North/South
- This will be the main entrance and exit coming from Stoney Trail
- 1st Street East and West will be the main driving connectors through Livingston
- In the future, it will be developed into 4 lane roads
- 144th Ave East and West shutdown
- This road will be shut down in August 2019 for grading and expansion
- This will happen after 1st st is completed
- This expansion will include traffic lights, but when they will be placed is up to the City
- Work will progress from here down to Stoney Trail this summer
- This road will be shut down in August 2019 for grading and expansion
- There is now a budget for the 14th street exit on Stoney trail – this should be completed in 2022-2023
- The second deck on Centre Street will be completed in 2023
Calgary Police Service Update
- Livingston Sergeant is Steve Kelly, works out of the Country Hills Precinct
- The go-to guy for any questions and concerns regarding any police services
- Tips: if you think you see someone or something suspicious – call 911 right away! Don’t hesitate
Transit Update
- Charles Rushton from Calgary Transit came by to give us an update on the on-demand transit service pilot project in Livingston
- On Demand Transit will be coming to Livingston in May
- This will be a 12-month pilot
- App-based (order bus through the app and watch bus travel to bus stop live on app)
- Will be using existing bus stops, for now, it will be determined later on as the app unfolds if there will be designated signs strictly for this service
- 15 min. target from when you order the bus to when it arrives
- You will be able to order the bus in advance
- Pricing same as regular transit
- cash is not accepted only bus passes or credit cards
- price includes transfers
- Connection is to the main transit hub at North Point (across from Vivo and Landmark movie theatre)
- North Point connects you to a variety of different buses, including the 301 which is a direct bus to downtown
- You can order the bus from North Point to take you back into Livingston
- Hours: Monday-Friday: 5:30am-8:00pm Saturday-Sunday: 7:00am-8:00pm
- 2 x 7 passenger accessible vans (will be re-assessed based on demand)
- bike rack may be attached to vans (transit is currently looking into this option, not 100% confirmed)
- There will be an information session (dates to be determined) on how to use the app and more information on the service
GenH Play Ambassador Update
- Moraig McCabe stopped by to talk to us about the GenH Play Ambassador program at Vivo
- Play Ambassadors will be coming to Livingston and will be guiding Livingston residents on spontaneous play!
- This includes a number of outdoor activities such as “loose parts play”
- The goal of this program is to encourage physical activity, social connection, intergenerational socialization, outdoor engagement, and spontaneous play
- Keep a lookout on all of our social media and Livingston-connect for exact days to join the Play Ambassadors