Hello Neighbour!
Silvera is excited to share a proposed development and land use change in Livingston. With nearly 60 years of service, Silvera is a trusted leader in providing a diverse selection of affordable housing, market housing and supportive services to Calgary’s older citizens. As a non-profit organization, we serve seniors with differing income levels who come from all walks of life and represent a divergence of cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Silvera is home to more than 1,400 residents and employs more than 400 caring employees throughout our 25 supportive and independent living communities across the city.
As the senior population in Calgary grows, Silvera continues to experience a high demand for additional seniors’ housing in the many communities that we serve. Recent investment in seniors’ housing through the Rapid Housing 2.0 Initiative has allowed our team to expand and develop new seniors’ housing. We continue to explore opportunities to expand our seniors’ housing options and are planning to do so at 85 Livingston Hills NE.
Development Vision
In our first phase, we are proposing a three and four storey seniors building (see site concept on page 2). The remainder of this large site is intended for a range of market and/or mixed market multi-family buildings, including townhouses and apartments between three to six storeys high.
We have submitted a Land Use Redesignation application (sometimes referred to as “rezoning”) with the City of Calgary. If approved, the proposed land use change would transition 85 Livingston Hill NE from its existing M-1 District, which currently supports four storey multi-family developments, to the M-2 District and the M-H1 District. This land use change is required to accommodate grade changes across the site that impact building height measurements and enable our development vision.
This proposal is intended to create a greater continuum of housing supports, services and care for seniors. We are looking forward to connecting with our neighbours as we take these steps to meet the growing demand for seniors’ housing within The City of Calgary.
If you have any questions or comments please get in touch with the project team at info@silvera.ca, www.silveralivingston.com, or 587.391.9285. To follow our application progress please visit the City of Calgary’s Development Map.
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