Concrete Maintenance


Dear Resident,

Your land developer contracted Geo Grout Inc. to raise settled concrete curbs and sidewalks to design grade, as required by City of Calgary specifications.  

‘White dots’ will identify areas where we will be lifting concrete sections.  There will be little or no disruption to the concrete or to your daily routine.  If you note white dotted sections in front of your property kindly avoid parking within these dots during the proposed work week.

‘Arrows’ will identify areas where broken concrete will be removed and replaced by a different contractor.

If you note that there are white dots on the concrete in front of your property, we may have to lift your driveway (if you have one) in order to match the required grade.

Steps involved;

  • A van and crew will come and core holes in the required areas. (usually about 30 min per site)
  • A pump truck and crew will come and lift the concrete to the required grade. (usually about an hour per site)
  • A patching crew will fill in the holes generally within the month. (10 min per site)

    Please visit the Geo Grout website if you have any